Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Fun City Turf?
What is the temperature inside the facility?
When it is cold enough for heat to be on, our system works within an eight degree window. If the system is set for 62 degrees, it will heat up to 66 degrees, then shut down and turn back on once it hits 58 degrees.
We do not have air conditioning the facility. During these brief couple of months of warm weather, we’ve discovered that we do tend to stay 5-10 degrees cooler than outside (much cooler during mornings into early afternoon). We can get humid and stuffy depending weather conditions outside.
What do you have for seating?
How should I enter and exit the facility?
We also have a set of air lock doors. The airlock doors must be opened one at a time, and closed before the next one is opened. Both being open at the same time will cause a rush of air to leave the facility and potentially take you with it. It’s not a threat to bring the facility down, but it could cause injury to the person not following the instructions on the doors. You may have to close the previous door as due to weather the doors may not fully close on their own.
- Those with strollers, walkers, wheelchairs are highly encouraged to use the air lock doors
- We highly suggest everyone that is able to, use the revolving door.
Do I need to worry about the facility collapsing?
What is your outside food policy, as well as gum, seeds and peanuts?
Do you sell alcohol?
What do I need to watch for?
What is the parking situation like?
Additional parking is available in the RecPlex parking lot.
Please do not park on the sidewalks, grass or block access to the road or dumpster
Can I bring a wagon inside?
Can I have my kid whom is not competing play on the turf?
I see the promoter has additional rules or different rules than what the Fun City Turf releases
Each event/promoter may have rules and policies that go above and beyond our rules. One such example may be turf shoes and tennis shoes only for certain softball tournaments. The promoter may choose to add these in case to operate their tournaments in a way they feel optimizes in further eliminates possible issues. As long as they do not go directly against our policies and procedures, we will allow it.
Our full policies and procedures are listed on our website as well as our Facebook page.
We are a new(ish) facility that will still have some more work done as we fine tune some things. We appreciate your cooperation and are always open to ideas and suggestions to improve your experience.