Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Fun City Turf?
We are a 94,000 square foot facility with Field Turf artificial grass like surface. We are an air supported facility. That means we have air running/blowing nearly 100% of the time to keep us inflated. We are owned and operated by the Greater Burlington Area Sports Facilities, a 501c3 non-profit group. We are a separate entity from the Burlington RecPlex, which is owned and operated by the City of Burlington.
What is the temperature inside the facility?
Our temperature is partly based on the conditions outside of the facility. We do have heat during the winter but I do suggest dressing warmly. We are admittedly more comfortable for the competitor than the spectator during the winter months.

When it is cold enough for heat to be on, our system works within an eight degree window. If the system is set for 62 degrees, it will heat up to 66 degrees, then shut down and turn back on once it hits 58 degrees.

We do not have air conditioning the facility. During these brief couple of months of warm weather, we’ve discovered that we do tend to stay 5-10 degrees cooler than outside (much cooler during mornings into early afternoon). We can get humid and stuffy depending weather conditions outside.

What do you have for seating?
We do have some picnic tables by the concession stand and, on the mezzanine, but it is highly recommended that patrons bring their own folding/collapsible chair. Chairs may be placed on the concrete. We currently do allow chairs on the Turf to allow for better social distancing. Chairs must have plastic or rubber bottoms or lay flush with the turf surface.
How should I enter and exit the facility?
We have a revolving door as a main entrance and exit. We suggest that this gets used by the majority of people to enter and exit the building.

We also have a set of air lock doors. The airlock doors must be opened one at a time, and closed before the next one is opened. Both being open at the same time will cause a rush of air to leave the facility and potentially take you with it. It’s not a threat to bring the facility down, but it could cause injury to the person not following the instructions on the doors. You may have to close the previous door as due to weather the doors may not fully close on their own.

  • Those with strollers, walkers, wheelchairs are highly encouraged to use the air lock doors
  • We highly suggest everyone that is able to, use the revolving door.
Do I need to worry about the facility collapsing?
There are many fail safes as part of the facility and even if those fail, it would take hours for the facility to fully deflate. We have a natural gas generator (power loss) and a stand by blower fan (low air pressure). Weather we have to worry about are Tornados and Heavy Snow. We will evacuate during a Tornado Warning and the facility will be closely monitored and increasingly heated during snow fall.
What is your outside food policy, as well as gum, seeds and peanuts?
We have a concession stand, we sell coffee, cappuccinos and hot chocolate as well as many other items. We take credit cards as well as cash. We take great pride in our turf so we ask that no gum, seeds or peanuts are brought into the facility. We do reserve the right to remove individuals, coaches, patrons and/or a team if rules are not followed. We ask the patrons refrain from bringing outside food and beverage into the facility. We do generally allow outside beverages and snacks inside for those participating.
Do you sell alcohol?
We sell select Anheuser Busch products. Must be at least 21 years of age to purchase and consume alcohol. We reserve the right to refuse service.
What do I need to watch for?
There may be two games or practices going on at the same time and teams warming up. When you’re on the concrete surrounding the field and not behind a net, please be aware of the chances of a softball/baseball/soccer ball coming in your direction. We do stanchion off areas close to the dugout. That is to try to keep spectators out of a line of fire of a foul liner. We are looking into adding more netting. We suggest that if you’re not behind netting, stay alert of what is going on around you.
What is the parking situation like?
We do have a paved parking lot. It can fill up quick and we are often full when we are in an overlap with games being played, the next teams getting ready to play and the next set of teas arriving to warm up.

Additional parking is available in the RecPlex parking lot.

Please do not park on the sidewalks, grass or block access to the road or dumpster

Can I bring a wagon inside?
Leave them at home or in your vehicle. We run out of space quickly when they are brought in by multiple teams and parents.
Can I have my kid whom is not competing play on the turf?
We do ask that if you are bringing additional siblings along, that they refrain from throwing objects/balls on the turf. We have had outfield fences taken out by kids playing around while a game was in play. We just about have more damage down to the facility by siblings playing around and getting into places where they shouldn’t be that we do by participants.

I see the promoter has additional rules or different rules than what the Fun City Turf releases

Each event/promoter may have rules and policies that go above and beyond our rules. One such example may be turf shoes and tennis shoes only for certain softball tournaments. The promoter may choose to add these in case to operate their tournaments in a way they feel optimizes in further eliminates possible issues. As long as they do not go directly against our policies and procedures, we will allow it.

Our full policies and procedures are listed on our website as well as our Facebook page.

We are a new(ish) facility that will still have some more work done as we fine tune some things. We appreciate your cooperation and are always open to ideas and suggestions to improve your experience.